Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction, also known as laser hair removal, is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses laser energy to target and destroy hair follicles, resulting in long-lasting hair reduction. At Dr. Subhash's Plastic Surgery Clinic, we use state-of-the-art laser technology to safely and effectively remove unwanted hair from the face, legs, arms, underarms, and other areas of the body.

During the procedure, a hand-held laser device is passed over the targeted area of skin, emitting pulses of laser energy that heat and damage the hair follicles. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, and there is no downtime required. You may experience some mild redness or swelling in the treated area, but this typically subsides within a few hours.


Most patients require several laser hair reduction sessions to achieve optimal results, as hair grows in cycles and not all follicles are active at the same time. Results can last for several months to years, and occasional touch-up sessions may be necessary to maintain the desired level of hair reduction.

It's important to note that laser hair reduction does involve some risks and potential complications, such as skin irritation, pigment changes, and scarring. Dr. Subhash and his team will discuss these risks with you in detail during your consultation and help you make an informed decision about whether the procedure is right for you.

If you're interested in laser hair reduction services, schedule a consultation with Dr. Subhash to learn more about the procedure and discuss your goals. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing you with personalized care and helping you achieve the smooth, hair-free skin you desire.